Nuffield Health

A Redesign of a PMDI inhaler for asthma.  Numerous problems were raised by initial research and a close family member of mine suffers from asthma, and complains regularly about not knowing the dosage. After research into how to use the inhaler, it was clear that most adults don't perform the technique properly as a large spacer is needed, but due to stigma about the look adults prefer not to use one.


Nuffield Health


Product Design



Nuffield Health


A design thinking methodology was used when approaching this redesign, initially primary research was conducted to empathise with current inhaler users. Following this, in order to define their pain points and come up with a problem statement, secondary research was conducted using a questionnaire and Interviews with people who currently use the disposal inhalers.


It was clear there were numerous issues with the current inhaler from an aesthetic and functional standpoint. Insight into the correct inhalation technique and the stigma around carrying a spacer inspired our ideation sessions and drove us to think of ways to overcome these major pain points.

"Breathing too hard can make the drug spray back onto the back of the throat instead of into the lungs, this can cause side effects if not inhaled properly"


"A common problem I have would be losing it. I do misplace it a lot. You end up needing it when asthmatic all the time"

"its also quite  difficult if  wearing certain types of clothing or doing certain sports activities as it   fit very well in your pocket"

"I  don't have the right  technique,  I have to do two pumps at a times when you are supposed to do one"

"Its a bit bulky to carry, its an awkward shape to carry around"

"Even though spacers are targeted towards children, many adults do not use the correct technique"

Design + Prototype

After understanding the different issues with current inhalers, and keeping them within the constraints of the PDS produced, initial designs were drawn up and presented to a focus group where it was found that in order to save space but also provide a small spacer for inhalation, the spacer would need to extend out of the device as it would be too long to carry in a users pocket. A prototype was made and tested with different users.

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