
A crypto Defi exchange platform that allows you to access cryptocurrency investment pools and products from the cryptoverse, all in one place. I was consulted for my UI skills and worked with the development team to bring the brand new MVP for this startup. Accru (AQRU now) has over 10,000 customers and holds over 16million in assets.


Accru Finance


UI Design



Accru finance


A design thinking methodology was pushed by myself to save the company from having to create many iterations. Due to this, i believe our feedback from potential users would have been far less positive and would have wasted valuable investment.

Working with the marketing agency, who laid out branding guidelines to me. I wire-framed and tested my initial designs with current crypto app users. The usability testing conducted with my wireframes allowed the team and I to map out user journeys and cement vital journeys for the MVP.


This role required me to be strategically efficient with my iterations to respond to the constantly changing user requirements in the crypto industry. Working around compliance was a key focal point of out delivery. Keeping our user's persona's in mind helped the team ensure we didn't stray off track with our backlog of features.

I used my expertise to produce designs at various levels of fidelity, bringing the vision to life and iterated fast and often.


A fully-fledged MVP which has now been developed into a successful startup with millions in backing and thousands of users. AQRU continues to push itself, creating new innovative features year after year.

Accru (AQRU now) has over 10,000 customers and holds over 16million in assets.

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