Dune London

This is a side project I did for Dune'sWebsite, which involved understanding their current sight and offering A/B tests to improve usability.

Goal One: Encourage customers into the checkout funnel.

Goal Two: Increase AOV by offering additional products to buy.




User research



Goal 1

Hypothesis 1 : Mitigating the user journey through the checkout process will decrease cart abandonment rate

Using exact numerical data for my portfolio was confidential but from click stream analysis and data gathered I was able to see why cart abandonment rate was prevalent within the checkout process. Using heat mapping data and insight from the google analytics, I was able to justify my recommendations to increase average order value.

Above to the right is my suggested A/B test for the current screen. I adopted a feature where the user can jump straight from their bag to the checkout process by having another clear button for the user to mitigate the process when wanting to checkout quickly.

This feature will allow the user to skip the cart process and immediately start entering their details. I believed that by mitigating the journey to checkout there would be a decrease in the cart abandonment rate.

it was clear from the data that users would get deterred from this page due to the fact they felt they had to create an account when in the guest checkout, which meant more time the user believes he/she is wasting.

So my test, which still fulfils the same goal as before, takes the user straight to the checkout details and only towards the end they are asked to enter their email to create an account. This is because the user already feels invested and won't want to waste their valuable time they spent on the info before, but Dune is still able to gather their email. I also added a progress bar so the user has an idea of how much is left to complete.

Goal 2

The main aspect of the current site that I realised needed to be prioritised was the hierarchy of information within the basket page. I believed seeing that Dune is an established brand they did not need to prioritise security information over suggested items within the basket.

Hypothesis 2 : Prioritising products over security within the basket will increase average order value

I realised that the suggested products on smaller computers and smaller screens in general (iPhone/iPad etc) the suggested products were not visible and thus wouldn't stimulate the user to have a further look. By prioritising products over security Dune would have a better chance of increasing average order value.

It came to my attention, through click stream analysis, that some users would find themselves within the basket page but without any products selected. As you can see above, the basket is empty and only shows the user security icons to reinforce that their purchases are safe. I thought this could be an opportunity to add suggested products, the products that are justified with the data gathered from google analytics.

These were the most bought or clicked products and will always not be products that are seen on the home page. I wanted the user to use the basket as a kind of suggestion page, thus helpfully increasing the average order value.


Overall my tests suggested were taken on by Dune to conduct themselves and gather data for further feedback on the features I have suggested. I am yet to know whether they have implemented my redesign.

I created a test plan for future research. This matrix helps them choose the correct type of research when direction is needed.

Suggested projects

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Drop me an email.

→ charliecrook1@gmail.com